Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Episode 59: Mary and Jen Meet

Watch the Video

Today we take a look back to the first time Jen and Mary met. Plus, Jimmy Fallon isn't funny.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Episode 58: Our EXCLUSIVE Lindsay Lohan Interview

Today we interview Linsday LIVE from the 'Dance, Dance Drug' Club in West Hollywood. She shows us her new boardgame and discusses rumors of her strumpethood.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Episode 57: Jen and Mary's SEX TAPE

The tape you've all been waiting for is finally here. Jen and Mary get STEAMY and HOT. Plus, more... Sylvester Stallone takes steroids.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Episode 56: 80's Dance Party

80's Dance Party And Mary Beats the HELL out of everyone. Oh, and Jen is from outer space. All in today's episode.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Episode 55: How we get our sexy bikinis

Ever wonder how we get so many? Plus, Captain Crunch and Lucky the Leprechaun's new documentary more... 'Being Gay In America'.

bikini news jen jackson mary clark geico captain crunch funny

Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Episode 54: Hillary Clinton Brand Condoms

Jen's in a tizzy about the liberals trying to ruin the US Mint and Mary's just happy to be here.

Episode 53: Paris Hilton is a stupid...

Can you finish that sentance? Plus we announce the winner of Imitate Jen and Mary Contest Winner

Episode 52: The Ask A Ninja Interview

Kent Nichols of 'Ask A Ninja' joins us to talk about the origins of the show and how to build a successful podcast. Plus Jen tries EVERYTHING to get you to watch our show :)

Episode 51: Exclusive Britney Spears Interview

Today we have an EXCLUSIVE interview with Britney Spears from her mental ward. Plus, we show you how we get the money for Bikini News.

Episode 50: The Wedding!

Do Jen and Mary have what it takes to stay together forever? Plus, we look at the celebrity break-ups of the past year.

Episode 49: Jen Kicks Some A$$

Today Jen Jackson flies into a manic rage. Also, we answer the eternal question: Google or Windows?

Episode 48: Fox News Presents Bikini News

What would Bikini News look like as a Fox show? Also, Paris Hilton is ridiculous, again.

Episode 47: Mary Likes Porn

Today we take a look at Mary's porn habits; plus Britney Spears stops by to show us her mothering skills.

Episode 46: Jen's Short Film

Today we watch Jen's film school materpiece. Plus, Mary finally pops the question.

Episode 45: Bikini News 2010

Things get sexy when we take a trip to 2010 to see how online video content will effect culture.